Episode 13:
Self-Compassion and Trauma Recovery
This episode features Sydney Spears, a trauma-sensitive mindfulness and yoga teacher, and professor of clinical social work, and trauma-sensitive care. Sydney teaches Mindful Self-Compassion with a particular focus on diversity, oppression, and trauma. In their conversation, David and Sydney discuss the role of mindfulness and compassion can play in helping heal trauma and oppression; the relationship between trauma and social oppression; and how to skillfully navigate multiracial spaces as a leader in contemplative settings.
Dr. Sydney Spears, LCSW, is a trauma-sensitive yoga (TCTSY) facilitator, mindfulness instructor, and professor who teaches on cultural diversity, clinical social work, and trauma-sensitive care. She teaches Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC), trauma-sensitive yoga, and trauma-sensitive mindfulness through the Midwest Alliance in Mindfulness, which focuses on providing mindfulness-based practices and community outreach efforts for organizations and at-risk populations.