
The Complete

Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness Training:

A Two-Part Comprehensive Program for Mindfulness Practitioners


The Introductory Guide to Recognizing Trauma, Responding Skillfully, and Preventing Retraumatization


A 5-Module Online Course


Widening the Window of Tolerance and Supporting Trauma Recovery

A 7-Module Online Course

At a moment when the impacts of trauma are widespread, there’s an urgent need for mindfulness practitioners who can recognize trauma, respond effectively, and support trauma recovery.


Are you WILLING to develop the skills to do this?


Hi there, my name is David Treleaven.

I’m an educator, researcher, and trauma professional who created Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness (TSM)—a framework that empowers you to teach mindfulness in a safe, effective, trauma-informed way.

How is this relevant to you?

Trauma is highly prevalent. Research tells us that 90% of us will live through a traumatic event, and some will develop debilitating symptoms in its aftermath.

Mindfulness is also increasingly popular. From online meditation programs to grade-school classrooms, people are practicing mindfulness in a variety of ways.

This means that anywhere people are practicing mindfulness, someone is likely to be struggling with trauma.

This isn’t necessarily a bad thing in meditation, but it’s not a simple thing, either.

While mindfulness can help with trauma recovery, the practice of meditation can create particular challenges for trauma survivors. Absent an understanding of trauma, people can end up over-focusing on intense stimuli that requires more than mindful awareness to heal.

For those of us offering mindfulness to others, this lays a certain responsibility at our feet.

First, we need to learn how to recognize trauma, prevent retraumatization, and keep people safe in practice.

Beyond this first step, we can also discover how to offer people life-changing skills that ultimately support their trauma-recovery.

My commitment? To train you to be effective at both.

Below you’ll learn about the path to mastering TSM, specifically through two courses I developed to train you to become a powerful TSM practitioner.

Thank you for being here, and for your practice and work.




First, Do No Harm

Trauma is a form of stress. Mindfulness has been shown to help reduce stress. Therefore, anyone suffering from trauma would benefit from practicing mindfulness.

Straightforward, right?

Not necessarily. Paying close attention to one’s inner-world in meditation can actually create problems for people who’ve experienced trauma. Despite their best efforts, people can end up stuck, dysregulated, and even retraumatized.

To guard against these pitfalls, you can train to be a Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness practitioner.

In a short amount of time, you can acquire the skills to recognize trauma, respond to it skillfully, and prevent retraumatization in mindfulness practice.

You can learn the specific reasons people run into difficulty in meditation, and specific tools to help them avoid dysregulation and access the full power of mindfulness practice.

But the commitment to “do no harm” only scratches the surface of what mindfulness can offer trauma survivors.

The full potential of mindfulness practices to support trauma recovery can remain untapped if we don’t develop beyond this initial level of training.

With advanced skills, you can offer trauma survivors practices to help them be safely present with a greater range of experiences—ultimately supporting their path of trauma recovery.


A key concept on the path to becoming trauma-sensitive is the window of tolerance—an optimal zone of arousal in the nervous system we can track to support safe mindfulness practice.

As a TSM practitioner, you can learn to identify when someone is outside of their window of tolerance, and then respond with specific modifications that can help them access an optimal zone of arousal and receive the full benefits of mindfulness practice.

But staying in one’s window isn’t the only answer to trauma recovery.

With time and practice, people can learn to widen their window of tolerance and expand their capacity for presence.

In safe and strategic ways, basic mindfulness can be paired with other interventions that can enhance one’s sense of agency, self-worth, and resilience. While mindfulness practices can’t “cure” trauma, they can play a radically supportive role in promoting self-regulation and trauma healing.

Because of this, we combined two training courses: one that teaches you to prevent retraumatization and the second to help people widen their window of tolerance.

Now you can equip yourself with the Complete Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness Training Program for Practitioners

This comprehensive, two-part training includes the fundamental components of preventing retraumatization AND advanced tools to help you support trauma survivors on their path to recovery in mindfulness practice.

The Complete Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness Training Program for Practitioners is a two-part, self-paced training program designed to offer you foundational and advanced skills in Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness.

This comprehensive training includes the theory and practice you’ll need to recognize and respond skillfully to trauma symptoms. Whether you’re a meditation or yoga teacher, religious or classroom teacher, or a mental-health professional who utilizes mindfulness, this course is designed for you.

Here’s a closer look at exactly what’s included in

The Complete Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness Training:

A Two-Part Comprehensive Program for Mindfulness Practitioners

PART one


The Introductory Guide to Recognizing Trauma,
Responding Skillfully and Preventing Retraumatization


Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness: The Introductory Guide to Recognizing Trauma, Responding Skillfully, and Preventing Retraumatization provides a path to gaining a foundational competence when it comes to mindfulness and trauma.

In a relatively short amount of time, you’ll learn how to support people who are struggling with trauma in mindfulness work. Whether you’re working as an individual coach, therapist, or as a mindfulness teacher, you’ll be able to seamlessly apply what you learn to your particular context.

Through lecture, case study, experiential practice, and pre-recorded Q&A sessions, you will leave this introductory Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness course:

  • Understanding why meditation can create dysregulation for people who’ve experienced trauma and specific ways you can prevent this
  • Prepared to identify symptoms of traumatic stress and tailor mindfulness practices in a trauma-sensitive way
  • Informed about current empirical research regarding mindfulness and trauma, including evidence-based interventions you can immediately apply to your work
  • Equipped with the tools and modifications to help you work skillfully with dysregulated arousal, traumatic flashbacks, and trauma-related dissociation
  • Understanding the relationship between individual and systemic forms of trauma, including the responsibility to educate oneself about power, oppression, and social context


When you register, you’ll have immediate access to Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness: The Introductory Guide to Recognizing Trauma, Responding Skillfully, and Preventing Retraumatization.

The course includes six, pre-recorded 60-minute Course Sessions and five, pre-recorded 60-minute Course Engagement Sessions (Q&A content for each specific module).

Each module builds upon the last and are designed to be self-paced, so you can complete them as you’re able. They include:

Facing The Trauma that Surrounds Us

Here you’ll anchor into a foundational understanding of trauma, explore its prevalence, and define the principles and practices of Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness.

Exploring the Window of Tolerance and Why It Matters

In this module you’ll explore the Window of Tolerance—a fundamental tool for assessing whether you are helping or hindering trauma survivors.

Understanding the Double-Edged Sword of Mindful Attention

Here you’ll focus on the double-edged sword of mindful attention and unpack skillful ways to shift and reorient attention during mindfulness practice.

Keeping the Body in Mind

Here you’ll turn your attention towards the body, focusing on how it can become a minefield for trauma survivors, and specific tools and adaptations you can offer in practice.

Leveraging the Power of Relationship

Here you’ll look at the connection between mindfulness meditation and the neurophysiology of belonging – including tools to help establish interpersonal safety and support mindfulness practice.

Working with Social Context

In this bonus workshop, you’ll explore the importance of understanding the social conditions that shape people’s experience of trauma, and how you can be an effective TSM practitioner in this domain.

After you complete Part One, you’ll be:


  • Confident in identifying non-verbal signs of traumatic stress
  • Equipped with a diverse set of modifications to offer people you’re working with, including multiple internal and external anchors of attention
  • Aware of the ways trauma can manifest in communities you work and practice with
  • Clear about the relationship between interoceptive and exteroceptive sensations, and how this relates to trauma-sensitive mindfulness practice
  • Secure in knowing you’re doing everything you can to prevent retraumatization in your work

PART two


Widening the Window of Tolerance and Supporting Trauma Recovery


Advanced Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness: Widening the Window of Tolerance and Supporting Trauma Recovery is a first-of-its kind course designed to build on the foundational skills you developed in Part One of the course, and expand your training by equipping you with the ability to offer mindfulness in a way that supports trauma recovery.

You’ll be provided the tools to help people take meaningful steps toward their trauma recovery inside of mindfulness practice. Through lecture, case study, and experiential practice, this course builds on the core trauma-sensitive competencies by going deeper, focusing on practices that help widen one’s window of tolerance.

In Advanced Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness, you will:

  • Develop advanced skills in trauma-sensitive mindfulness through deepened theory and discover practices that enhance people’s resilience, self-compassion, and sense of agency and choice
  • Explore the power of mindful gauges—one of the most effective, empowering mindfulness tools we can offer people on their path of trauma recovery
  • Learn mindful embodiment practices that enable people to self-generate safety and widen their window of tolerance
  • Adopt and integrate mindfulness practices that focus on resilience and healing
  • Be informed about cultural adaptations of mindfulness practice through a trauma-sensitive lens
  • Learn from world-renowned experts in the field of mindfulness and trauma


Upon registration, you’ll have immediate access to Advanced Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness: Widening the Window of Tolerance and Supporting Trauma Recovery and be able to dive into recordings of seven, 60-minute Classroom Sessions, seven, 60-minute Guest Faculty Sessions, and seven, 90-minute Course Engagement (Q&A) Sessions.

Each module builds upon the last and are designed to be self-paced, so you can complete them in your own time. They include:

Meeting the Moment

In the Orientation, you’ll learn the three steps of widening the window of tolerance and how to get the most out of the course.

Mindful Gauges

In this session, you’ll learn about an essential tool of discernment that supports choice, agency, and, ultimately, trauma recovery.

Generating Safety

In Module Two, you’ll learn a series of embodied mindfulness practices to support safety and self-regulation in mindfulness practice.

Trauma and Resilience

In Module Three, you’ll discover how resilience and resourcing practices support safety, self-regulation, and ultimately help widen the window of tolerance.

Trauma-Sensitive Body Scans

From cultural adaptations to best practices before, during, and after a body-scan, this comprehensive module provides advanced training in TSM body scans.

Mindful Self-Compassion

In Module Five, you’ll explore the power of mindful self-compassion in trauma-sensitive practice, including how to work skillfully with shame.

Truth, Reality, and Social Context

In Module Six, you’ll take a dive into how best to create belonging in the settings you work within—without disappearing dynamics of power and social context.

Cultivating Presence

In Module Seven, you’ll learn how the mindfulness practice known as RAIN (Recognize, Allow, Investigate, Nurture) helps cultivate presence and why this is so powerful in trauma recovery.

Towards Completion

In the Finale, you’ll review the new tools available to you within TSM and discover specific ways they complement one another as you take your learnings into the world.

What people are saying about The Complete Trauma- Sensitive Mindfulness Training:

“This was the single best course I’ve ever taken. The authenticity, integrity, and care of the delivery were unparalleled.”

—Lyssa Menard

Business Coach, Health Psychologist,
and Founder of Strategies for Change

“David’s work has been invaluable to students during my mindfulness classes to outpatient veterans. Introducing the principles of trauma-sensitive mindfulness beginning with the orientation session has made it easier for Vets with any trauma. “

—Rich Cohen

Certified Mindfulness-Based
Stress Reduction Instructor

“I was especially struck by David’s presence and instruction. He truly embodies kindness, acceptance, flexibility, and curiosity. Without arrogance, he exudes confidence in his own truths and understandings of trauma and trauma treatment.

—Judy Bernstein

Psychologist and Certified Mindfulness-Based
Stress Reduction Instructor

“Everything about this training was more than I anticipated. I look forward to using this work with my counseling clients and in the wellness services provided for the community.”

—Johanna Travieso

 Licensed Professional Counsellor

“A truly top notch and transformational training in every respect! A just-right balance between didactic and interactive/experiential learning. Loved the flow and variety of the sessions. The supplemental resources are brilliant, and very generous, exceeding expectations. I’ll be returning to them often.”

—Alison Purnell

National Health Service Counsellor (UK)
and Mindfulness Teacher

“I am extremely grateful for having been a part of this training. It will forever change the way I teach meditation and mindfulness.”

—Jacqueline Piazza

Mindfulness Meditation Instructor

Meeting the Moment: Activating a Community of Advanced TSM Practitioners

In the Orientation Module, you’ll discover how the principles of the advanced course build on what you’ve learned and why TSM is so vital in this particular historical moment. You’ll also:


  • Discover the three steps to widening the window of tolerance
  • Learn the distinction between “being with” and “working with” trauma in TSM
  • Integrate a map of tools you’ll be learning in the advanced course (the TSM “Wheel”)

Mindful Gauges: Empowering Trauma Survivors on their Path to Recovery

In this module, you’ll learn an advanced TSM practice that’s key to safely expanding one’s window of tolerance: mindful gauges. Mindful gauges are a way to help people evaluate their response to different stimuli in the present moment. As you’ll discover, mindful gauges are invaluable for helping trauma survivors feel a sense of choice and agency in their practice and lives. 

In Module One, you’ll also:


  • Receive a refresher on the window of tolerance and how it relates to trauma-sensitive mindfulness
  • Integrate case studies of students and clients that have successfully used mindful gauges in their practice and work
  • Learn how to assess and discern what mindfulness practices will best widen the window of tolerance using mindful gauges

Generating Safety: Offering Embodied Practices that Support Choice and Agency

In Module Two, you’ll take a deep dive into the importance of safety and embodiment in TSM. You’ll learn a series of mindfulness practices you can offer clients and students to help generate safety, including embodied exercises that establish a visceral sense of protection—all to support trauma recovery.

In Module Two, you’ll also:


  • Discover how basic, embodied practices around consent can generate an embodied sense of safety for those you’re working with
  • Learn how the three subsystems of the Polyvagal Theory apply to TSM—specifically our ability to help people “neurocept” safety in practice
  • Integrate a rigorous understanding of social context into practices around safety and help build trust with those you serve

Trauma and Resilience: Helping Survivors Widen their Window of Tolerance

In Module Three, you’ll explore the relationship between trauma, mindfulness, and resilience. Defined as our ability to bounce back from difficult and overwhelming situations, resilience can help your students and clients establish areas of safety in the body that can help them safely widen their window of tolerance in mindfulness practice.

In Module Three, you’ll also:


  • Discover how resilience helps people avoid the pitfalls of over-attending to traumatic stimuli
  • Learn how to help people generate and reinforce resourceful states that support resilience in TSM
  • Be able to recognize when resilience practices will best support someone’s regulation and help widen their window of tolerance

Trauma-Sensitive Body Scans: Developing Best Practices

In this module, you’ll take an in-depth look at offering body scans in a trauma-sensitive way. From cultural adaptations of a body scan to best practices before, during, and after practice, this comprehensive module will provide advanced training in offering body scans of any duration.

In Module Four, you’ll also:


  • Be introduced to research about the benefits of body scans for trauma survivors
  • Discover why body scans can be dysregulating for trauma survivors and specific ways to support them
  • Learn specific, trauma-sensitive adaptations for working with people who are differently-abled (e.g., those who are parapalegic)

Mindful Self-Compassion: Exploring Trauma, Mindfulness, and Shame

In Module Five, you’ll explore the power of mindful self-compassion in trauma-sensitive practice. Mindful self-compassion combines the skills of mindfulness and self-compassion, offering a powerful tool that supports resilience and helps people widen their window of tolerance.

In Module Five, you’ll also:


  • Integrate contemporary research on mindful self-compassion and connect this to TSM practice
  • Learn about the potential risks and drawbacks of self-compassion for trauma survivors in practice, including working with shame
  • Integrate three guided, trauma-sensitive self-compassion practices you can offer to students and clients

Truth, Reality, and Social Context: Creating Belonging in a Time of Division

In Module Six, you’ll explore how best to create belonging in the settings you work within—without disappearing dynamics of power and social context. Using a trauma-sensitive lens, we will explore dynamics of “othering” and “belonging” within TSM, and you’ll learn practices that integrate a systemic understanding of trauma to help build safety and trust.

In Module Six, you’ll also:


  • Hear strategies to help navigate the tension between the “truth” that we are all equal and the “reality” of being treated differently because of our identity
    • Discover embodied mindfulness practices that support dignity at individual and collective levels while staying with discomfort
    • Learn about the ways that social context connects to systems theory and the window of tolerance, and how this can support you as a TSM practitioner

Cultivating Presence: Healing Ourselves and the World with Mindfulness

In this final module of the course, we’ll return to the healing power of mindfulness with respect to trauma—specifically through the practice of RAIN (Recognize, Allow, Investigate, Nurture). You’ll learn how RAIN helps cultivate presence, why this is so powerful in trauma recovery, and trauma-sensitive modifications that can be applied to a guided RAIN practice.

In Module Seven, you’ll also:


  • Learn why trauma survivors have difficulty cultivating presence because of dysregulated arousal
  • Discover the two specific reasons why presence is so important within trauma recovery (and how you can integrate this into your teaching and practice)
  • Learn to offer RAIN meditations in a way that can support people’s presence and help widen their window of tolerance

Towards Completion: The Advanced TSM Finale

In the Finale, we’ll review the new tools that are available to you within TSM, remind you of how they fit together, and reveal new ways these tools complement one another. You’ll also:


  • Be reminded of the importance of mindful gauges in empowering survivors within TSM—particularly by supporting discernment
  • Hear stories from people about their own process of discovery and practice within TSM
  • Be offered a chance for closure in a dynamic, trauma-sensitive way

The Complete

Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness Training:

A Two-Part Comprehensive Program for Mindfulness Practitioners

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Regular Tuition


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100% Money-Back Satisfaction Guarantee

We’re so confident in the value The Complete Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness Training delivers that we offer a full, no-questions asked, money-back guarantee if you decide you want to cancel your registration within 7 days of purchase. You can even keep any early-registration bonuses you receive — at no cost.



The Complete Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness Training is proud to offer CE units through our CE partner for a wide variety of professions. The Introductory course offers a total of 6 CEUs and the Advanced course offers 14 CEUs. More information can be found below. 

Is the Complete Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness Training all pre-recorded materials?

Yes. Each pre-recorded session is designed exclusively for your learning journey. Some of these sessions were recorded while being taught to a live cohort of participants, and other sessions (e.g., all Classroom Sessions in the Advanced training) were recorded separately. Given how thorough the training is, we’ve received very positive feedback about offering a self-paced study format for you to complete at your preferred pace.

Is this course intended for professional training or personal healing?

This course is offered as a professional training for mindfulness practitioners. While some benefits may result from learning or practices, it is not intended to be an individual trauma healing course.

I understand this is not a trauma healing course, but I am a mindfulness practitioner who has experienced trauma. Is this course for me?

If you’re taking the course explicitly to heal your own trauma, this course will likely not be a good fit for you. Given the ubiquity of trauma exposure, however, it’s common that a mindfulness practitioner taking the course will have experienced trauma, and we encourage you to pace yourself and be self-responsive as you move through the material. There’s also a 7-day money back guarantee with the course, so if you take the course and find that it’s not a good fit, you can always ask for a refund.

How long can I access the sessions online?

You will have lifetime access to all sessions following the completion of the course.

Is there a group discount available?

Yes, for groups of 5 or larger. Please email us at support@davidtreleaven.com to inquire.

Do you offer scholarships for this program?

Yes, scholarships are available for this course. We are committed to making this training as accessible as possible to those experiencing financial constraints. If you would like to apply for a scholarship, please contact us at: support@davidtreleaven.com.

Will Continuing Education Units (CEUs) be offered for this course?

Yes. CEUs are offered for most professions for both the Introductory and Advanced TSM courses through our Continuing Education (CE) partner. The Introductory course offers a total of 6 CEUs and the Advanced course offers 14 CEUs. CEUs are offered at the end of each Part One and Part Two, and are also broken down per module (so you can obtain the full 20 or a lesser amount). At the end of each course/module, you will be presented with a link to our CE partner’s page, where you will be asked to pay a fee ($40/course, or $80 total for all 20 CEUs) and take a true/false test to obtain the CEUs. More information, including the professions that our CEUs are available to, can be found on our CE partner’s page. This training can also count towards Yoga Alliance CEUs.

Here’s what leaders in the field are saying about David and Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness:


David Treleaven, PhD, is a writer, educator, and trauma professional working at the intersection of mindfulness and trauma. He is the author of the acclaimed book Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness and founder of the Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness (TSM) Community—a group of practitioners committed to setting a standard of care through mindfulness-based practices, interventions, and programs.

David focuses on offering mindfulness providers with the knowledge and tools they require to meet the needs of those struggling with trauma. Through workshops, keynotes, podcasts, and online education, he is closely engaged with current empirical research to inform best practices.

His work has been adopted into multiple mindfulness teacher training programs around the world, including UCLA’s Mindful Awareness Research Center, the Engaged Mindfulness Institute, and Bangor University’s MA in Mindfulness program in the UK.

David is currently a visiting scholar at Brown University and has worked with a number of organizations to bring trauma-sensitive mindfulness to their staff and programs.


  • Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute, developed at Google
  • University of Massachusetts Medical School
  • The Center for Contemplative Mind in Society
  • Institute for Mindfulness South Africa
  • UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness
  • The Mindfulness Training Institute of Australia and New Zealand
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